Digital Banking Strategies: Attracting and Retaining Profitable Customers
- Presented by :
- Mark Schwanhausser
- Chris McDonnell
Tech‐savvy, mobile‐minded consumers have a demanding appetite for digital banking services. This consumer segment, Moneyhawks™, represent $1.1 trillion in core bank deposits. However, they are fickle and are likely to switch financial providers far greater than other consumer segments.
Banks face two key questions:
- How do you attract these highly informed and vigilant individuals to your bank?
- What does it take to keep these regular switchers from leaving when the competition releases the next cool feature?
Join Javelin as we share our behavioral segmentation model with four primary types of retail banking customers and examine several financial institutions’ strategies for attracting these high margin customer relationships. Javelin will explore buying patterns, key drivers of satisfaction, and strategies to attract and serve the optimal customer segment mix.